Harvey Bates

LoRaWAN Packet Building in C++

Introduction I made some errors in this project related to the construction of a LoRaWAN packet to be sent from a device to a LoRaWAN gateway. The main error was the use of an int8_t payload rathe...

C++ Callback Rabbit Hole

Introduction I’ve had a play with making a CLI for the Arduino ecosystem (Arduino-CLAP). I just want a quick and easy way to add commands and then pass values to functions for future projects. ...

Arduino.h file not found. PlatformIO (Clion)

Possible Solutions Add Framework In you platformio.ini file add the framework definition of arduino. For example: If you were using an ArduinoUNO. [env:uno] platform = atmelavr board = uno framewo...

Guide: Reflow-soldering without the expensive equipment

Introduction I have been using a basic small oven for reflow soldering all my electronics projects for the past two years. This technique uses no temperature control and is all done manually; howe...

Tutorial: Reading array from an Arduino using PySerial

Arduino side In this example the Python program is going to act as the master script (ask for data) and your Arduino microcontroller is going to act as the slave (provide data). Setup First we ar...